If you can believe it my baby is already four months old today! Boy how time flies when you are getting little sleep! *grin* We took the little Lady to the Doctor yesterday and she is officially PETITE!!! =D She is ONLY 12lbs. 1 oz (25%) and 23 3/4 inches long (50%). Unlike her older brother who was 15 lbs and 25 inches at this point! She is a girl she is suppossed to be small, is what everyone keeps telling me! But somedays I just LONG to have one of those cute chubby babies. I think baby fat is SO cute, but my children have never had an ounce on their bodies, my little string beans!
So Happy Four Month Birthday my Little Princess, Mommy LOVES you more than words can explain!!
Your husband's hands look just like my husband's hands. They are stained with grease I see. Lainee is very cute and looks a little like you. Hope she's sleeping as good as a baby can.
She's SOOO cute!
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